Wednesday, January 13, 2016


In the past two weeks we have been focusing on one of the elements of art: color! 

First, the students created a color wheel using colors they found and cut out of magazines. The 4-year old kindergarteners focused on the 3 primary colors (red, yellow and blue) by creating a triangle. Kindergarteners through fifth graders  made a wheel using at least 6 colors (the primary and secondary). Some students even found tertiary colors. Tertiary colors are the colors you get when you mix a primary color with a secondary color, for example blue-green

After learning the order of the color wheel and the different types of colors, the students got busy working on projects using those colors and color schemes (primary, secondary, warm, cool colors) to create a picture. 
(photos of students working on a color-scheme landscape picture using oil pastels)

An example of a finish product: 

Some students created Birds of Color paintings showing the order of colors in the color wheel!

4-K students painted water color resistant paintings using primary colors. They discovered that despite only starting with primary colors (red, yellow & blue), they ended up with many other colors because of the mixing!