Wednesday, April 27, 2016

4K Chicks

4K Artists have been in Spring mode and we have fresh chicks to prove it! 

This project had many steps for the kindergarten artists to follow! 

First, they started with cutting out their egg, chick and beak. 
Second, they used yellow bingo dotters to paint their chick yellow. 
Third, they glued their chick together on the blue background paper. 
Fourth, they attached grass blades using sticky-tape which is applied by adding a little lick before you stick it to the paper. 
Finally, the glued on the final touches, yellow feathers and google eyes!

No two chicks are the same but they are all pretty cute! 

Famous Artist Unit: Wood

4th and 5th grade students looked at the famous painting by Grant Wood called American Gothic. 

After sharing their thoughts about what this famous painting is of and what it represents, and what a "parody" is, the artists got to work! 

They were challenged to create different layers to their artwork, thinking about what an item or building looks like from our perspective when it is behind something else. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

4K Finger Painting

Most of the 4K student artists were eager to dive into finger painting. A couple student artists were a bit hesitant to get their fingers "messy". 

Either way, they all had fun creating, whether they were elbow deep or used JUST their finger tips. 

They got to choose the colors they painted with and experiment with what happened when their colors mixed! 

Cherry Blossoms

In honor of spring's return and Earth day this month, the student artists at Wilson have been practicing drawing trees and their complex branches! 

After looking at some photos of Cherry Blossom trees both around the world  and around our nation's capitol, we drew our own! 

First, students drew their tree and it's branches with pencil. 

Then, they painted their tree with black paint. 

Finally, they added pink tissue paper with glue to add the blossoms to their trees. 

They all turned out as unique and beautiful as the live Cherry Blossom trees themselves!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Letter Creations

4K student artists made letter pictures using a variety of items including pasta, colored mosaic paper squares, and dried beans. 

First, they decorated the background of their letter pictures using chalk on the black paper. They experimented with "smudging" the chalk with their hands. This was quite a messy little exploration! 

Next, they wrote with pencil the first letter of their first name on their paper. 

Finally, they covered their letter with glue and their beans, pasta or paper!

Aboriginal Art

After looking at some photos of traditional aboriginal art, 2nd & 3rd graders as well as Team Treasure, got to make their own! They used traditional colors (reds, browns, oranges, etc) that could be made from sand, dirt and clay. 

They drew an animal or desert plant on their paper and filled it with traditional aboriginal designs. 

Students were challenged  to incorporate pointillism into their art. Pointillism is a painting technique using small dots to create an image, line or design. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Self Portraits

The K5 and 1st grade student artists made these unique self portraits. 

First, using a sharpie they drew themselves. Then, they painted pieces of tissue paper onto their portrait using water and paint brushes. 

After the tissue paper dried, it flaked off, leaving a colorful dyed portrait! 

Artist of the Month: April

Meet our student artist of the month, Owen Pope!

Owen is a 3rd grader in Mrs. Raduenz’ class. Art and gym are Owen’s favorite subjects. He likes to draw, especially boats and pirate ships. Outside of school, he enjoys playing outside and reading. Congratulations Owen!