Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Aurora Lights

Student artists in 4th & 5th grade learned about the Aurora lights. We often here these called "Northern Lights" but we learned that this beautiful light show occurs over both the North and South poles. If you want to see the video we watched about the Aurora lights, you can view it here.

First we got to work making our black papers bright with streaks of light using chalk. This chalk is much messier than sidewalk or chalk board chalk. Most students really liked getting their hands dirty with chalk. 

Using a dark acrylic paint, we added a silhouette of trees in front of the Aurora lights. 

Sphero Painting

Mr. Kelly taught us how to control the Sphero robots and we got to steer them through paint to create a colorful poster! 

Have you ever made marble paintings? This is kind of like that! 

Here is what a Sphero looks like:

Here is one of the 2/3 classes that got to do this project! 

The drying rack full of Sphero paintings!

Thanks Mr. Kelly for the fun activity! 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Famous Artist Unit: Picasso

Second and third grade student artists returned to Pablo Picasso's work by looking at his famous paintings of faces made using a style called CUBISM. Here are a few example of cubism by Picasso:

Off to work they went on this silly and fun project!

Here are some of the funky final pieces!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Paint Monsters

Wilson artists got to her their hands messy finger painting some monsters! We experimented with what makes our monster look smooth, fuzzy, spiky, etc. 

During the next class, we read a silly Monster book and got to work making our monster's faces! 

We got to talk about what shapes make different parts of the monster's faces. This was a great opportunity for some intricate cutting practice.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Artist of the Month: May

May's Artist of the Month:

Cory Kronberg

Cory is a 5th grader in Ms. Griep’s class. His favorite type of art is sketching and he likes to sketch things from his dreams. When he isn’t drawing, Cory likes to play football and video games. Congratulations Cory!

Fabric Bunting

Art Club’s student artists created their own stamps. Using ink, they stamped them onto fabric and hand stitched it onto another colored fabric.  Their individual buntings were sewn together to make a decorative group piece of art.

High Interest Day: Acrylic Painting Room!

We want to thank Ms. Rueda for sharing her acrylic painting talents with the Wilson students. They learned some painting technique and all got to bring home a beautiful piece of art! 

Banyan Trees

Banyan trees can be found in India as well as here in the US in Florida. Roots grow down from the tree branches as well as down from the tree's trunk. 
After exploring Banyan trees through some photos, we dove into a fun tree project. 

First, the students drew and then painted their Banyan tree. 

Using oil pastels, the students colored in the trees. 


The final results remind me of a stained glass window, lit up full of sun. Hopefully these pieces of art work can be displayed in your homes, creating a bright, cheery display!