Thursday, March 3, 2016

Famous Artists Unit: Kandinsky

Our next famous artist of focus is Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky is best known for his artwork called Squares with Concentric Circles pictured here:

This piece of art work can be mimicked in countless ways, and can inspire even the youngest artists. Here is what some of our young artists have been working on!

The students have worked on defining "concentric" through what they see in Kandinsky's work and what they notice when creating other concentric shapes. 

Circle Stamping- Kindergarten and first grade students used various recyclables as stamps, experimenting various sizes and using "size" vocabulary such as smallest, smaller, medium, larger, largest.



Some kindergarten students practiced cutting following lines of circles to stack a LARGE, MEDIUM, and SMALL circle.

Some students worked on free drawing circles (and other concentric shapes) with oil pastels. A tricky part of this project was for the students to fold the paper into six  (or more) even squares.  Some students chose to use circular rules to make perfect circles. Finally, they added more color with watercolor paints!


One of the 4/5 classes created collages out of all things circle to take a different twist on Kandinsky's work. 

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