Friday, February 26, 2016

Art Club Update

The Art Club gathered today to work on a few projects! 

First, they finished up their sign. It's hung in the 4/5 hallway for all of their peers to see! 

Second, some friends who wants to get their hands dirty did some paint clean up from the morning art classes. I think there are some candidates for good dishwashers at home.... (* * cough * * cough* *). 

Lastly, we are helping the Believe teachers make a giant timeline. This starts with some math work, so a team headed out to the hall to measure the hall way spaces and figure out how long it needs to be. The next step for this crew is to figure out what the length between years needs to be. 

Next week, we will be beginning some new self-choosen projects! 

PBIS Kindness Quilt- All school art project

Monday, February 22, 2016

Spring 2016 Art Club!

Our new session of art club has begun and the students are working hard! Currently they are creating a giant sign to introduce themselves to their peers! They created the letters of this sign by taking photos of one another and arranging them to spell "Wilson Art Club". 

We will share the finished product once it is complete. 

The art club students are also helping the PBIS committee finish up the Kindness Quilt that was created by each student at Wilson about how to be kind! The art club students glued them on poster boards and are "sewing" them up so they are ready to be hung on the second floor really soon! 

I'll post an updated photo of that project once it is complete too. 

There is just SO much amazing art happening here at Wilson! Thanks for checking in! 

Fun Day- Any Day!

Last Friday, Wilson School had a "Fun Day- Any Day" afternoon! Students used some of their PAWS tickets to join fun activities around the school. Here is some of the colorful fun that happened in the art room!

 Keep up the great work Wilson Students! 


Here in Wilson's art class, we spend a couple minutes each class working on our sketchbooks. Sketchbooks are a great opportunity to expand our imagination and show our creativity through pencil and paper. 

The students are given a topic each week to steer their sketches, however, as the students are reminded, it is THEIR sketchbook, and their imagination can take them far.

Occasionally, when time permits, we spend the last five minutes or so, sharing our favorite sketches with our classmates on the BIG screen! 

Save The Date!

Youth Art Month is on Sunday, March 6th from 1-4 pm at the West Allis- West Milwaukee District Office 1205 S. 70th St. 

Pieces of art by Wilson student artists from the past two months will be on display, as well as art from all of the other WA-WM schools!  There will also be art activities and music performances!

Beautiful student and teacher made garden decorations will be raffled off. Raffle tickets are $1.00 a piece or 6 for $5.00. 

We hope that you can join us! 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Famous Artist Unit: Mondrian

Continuing our exploration of different famous artist's work, we turn to the work of Piet Mondrian.

The students (of all ages!) quickly were able to identify the common elements that Mondrian used in his neoplasticism art work.


Here are some Mondrian inspired hearts that the some of the 1st-3rd grade students created!

Some of the Kindergarten and 1st grade classes worked on creating collages using the elements of Mondrian's art. This was a good opportunity for us to practice cutting and gluing- "Just a dot, Not a lot!"

Some of the 4th and 5th grade students made collages as well. These collages involved several more steps including using newspaper to create the neutral colored canvas in which our art was created on. 

The students also downloaded a new app on their iPads called Colorfy. This app allowed them to create digital art inspired by Mondrian. Here are just a few of the many awesome digital creations:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Artist of the Month!

Congratulations to Laila Ingram, the Wilson Artist of the Month!

Famous Artists Unit: Van Gogh

All of the students here at Wilson have begun working on a new unit exploring some art done by famous artists! 

Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders started our unit by looking at Vincent Van Gogh's painting of Sunflowers. 

We talked about how Van Gogh painting his face in order to show that it was round. The older students also explored how to shade the vase to show it's depth. 

Sunflowers By: Van Gogh

The students first sketched their vase and flowers. Then, they colored them in using crayons, oil pastels and colored pencils. Finally, they water color painted the background. 

Each piece of art turned out unique, showing the creativity of each student. What a fun way to brighten and warm up our cold February!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

More work inside the COLOR WHEEL!

Our work on colors has continued! 

4 year old kindergarteners created dream catchers! They painted the circle using a palette of warm OR cool colors. Then, they weaved yarn through the holes in the plate to create the inner web of the dream catcher. 

4th and 5th graders have experimented with the value (tint or shade) of a hue (color)! A lot of new vocabulary came along with this monochromatic art work. Monochromatic means one color, so students needed to mix black paint in to make a darker shade, and white paint to make a lighter shade of the hue of their choice. 


(an example of a monochromatic painting)

The other students have been using beautiful colors too- but their work is still in progress and will be shared with you all in our next blog post about Famous Artists! Here is sneak peek of their colorful work!

Lastly, I leave you all with a photo of some of our art displayed in the halls of Wilson. Thanks for checking out our art class happenings!