Thursday, February 18, 2016

Famous Artist Unit: Mondrian

Continuing our exploration of different famous artist's work, we turn to the work of Piet Mondrian.

The students (of all ages!) quickly were able to identify the common elements that Mondrian used in his neoplasticism art work.


Here are some Mondrian inspired hearts that the some of the 1st-3rd grade students created!

Some of the Kindergarten and 1st grade classes worked on creating collages using the elements of Mondrian's art. This was a good opportunity for us to practice cutting and gluing- "Just a dot, Not a lot!"

Some of the 4th and 5th grade students made collages as well. These collages involved several more steps including using newspaper to create the neutral colored canvas in which our art was created on. 

The students also downloaded a new app on their iPads called Colorfy. This app allowed them to create digital art inspired by Mondrian. Here are just a few of the many awesome digital creations:

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