Thursday, February 4, 2016

More work inside the COLOR WHEEL!

Our work on colors has continued! 

4 year old kindergarteners created dream catchers! They painted the circle using a palette of warm OR cool colors. Then, they weaved yarn through the holes in the plate to create the inner web of the dream catcher. 

4th and 5th graders have experimented with the value (tint or shade) of a hue (color)! A lot of new vocabulary came along with this monochromatic art work. Monochromatic means one color, so students needed to mix black paint in to make a darker shade, and white paint to make a lighter shade of the hue of their choice. 


(an example of a monochromatic painting)

The other students have been using beautiful colors too- but their work is still in progress and will be shared with you all in our next blog post about Famous Artists! Here is sneak peek of their colorful work!

Lastly, I leave you all with a photo of some of our art displayed in the halls of Wilson. Thanks for checking out our art class happenings!

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